Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Dave II

Spoke to Dave on Saturday night. I think I finally convinced him that he had to think of the kids above all else, and give up the damned affair if he was going to have any chance of working on his marriage.

He reitterated his wife's desire NOT to be divorced, but sounded like she wasn't getting the seriousness of the situation. This could be true, but I don't know her side.

As I told him, I don't really care. I am the advocate of their children.

The two "adults" in this situation have trivial, meaningless problems which they can eventually work out. The children have no say in the matter, and are going to suffer the greatest impact of all involved parties.

He said, "I guess I have some more things to think about." That was about the end of the conversation. I offered him my support in anything that would help keep the marriage together.

I haven't heard from him since.


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